Today, June 30th is day two of my Marine Biology class. Conditions were dryer but still had cloud cover and lots of fog with temperatures in the mid-sixties. We boarded the Erica Lee traveling to the Isles of Shoal which is 8 miles off the coast of Maine but a number of the 9 islands are in New Hampshire. The surf was 3-5 feet and very choppy likely caused by the a northeast wind. I've come to the conclusion that the Erica Lee is a "wet" boat with heavy spay constantly soaking most of us as it cut through the choppy surface. I did manage at about half way to become a bit sea sick but fortunately it was short lived and things settled down for me for the rest of the trip. If I need to place blame I'll give it to Captain Rob for the rough ride, ha ha.
The shoals do have a lengthy history which includes such things pirate treasure and murder. The John Smith was granted the islands in the 1600's, Black Beard drop off one of his wives on isles never to return for her. The oldest house standing in Maine is the Hailey house on the Smutty Nose Island and is physically next to the house was Honivei House, no longer standing, that in 1843 was the location of a famous (in Maine) murder of two sister by Louis Wagner. A breakwater was built between Smutty Nose and Cedar Island with monies from bars of silver found on the island, presumably belonging the pirates. A number of the Island are state property yet other are private, for example Star Island has a hotel owned by the Unversalist church.
All of the islands do have limited soil formation which reduces the size of the vegetation to bush size for a maximum. Most of the soil varies but on average is merely 2-3 inches. It was stated that the Islands have 88,000 nesting gull pairs. I was able to get very close to the nest, two of which had single eggs, with gulls flighting closely over head. I was also able to observe young gulls closely which furiously guarded by "mom". I also witnessed closed gull attacks on members of our group. The dominant gull was the Lesser Black which aggressively occupied the more protect inland portions of the Island where as the Herring Gull got the less protected, more exposed shore regions. Gulls are very territorial if a young gull wonders just a short distance for it's nest, near by Gulls will kill and eat it. It did witness lots of fighting between near by Gulls. Mother Gulls ,as a point of fact, do have a red dot on their beak so that when they return with food their young peak at the dot which cause regurgitate digesting food. I also saw the largest gull found in the north Atlantic called the Northern Gammet which winters along the Carolina coast to Florida. Other animal life is limited other than the gulls and two goats observed, we were told that the Island has an abundance of rats and snakes. Snakes likely used a technique called "rafting" where they climb on draft woods or like from the main land. Reptiles can go a fairly long time with out food where as mammals can not. The rats are likely on board boats which frequent the islands.
The sand on the beach had a high degree of organic (shell components) and their was clear evidence of glacial scouring. Much of the exposed rock away from the shore had numerous and lengthy deep scratates across the surface in a constant northeast direction.
Tomorrow we will be identifying and hopefully press a number of collected algae.
Marine life generally identified in the field:
Lamanaria (kelp)- collect three species
Acaphyum with an unnamed epiphyte attacked
Ulva (sea lettuce)
Colium ( dead man's fingers)
Irish moss
Smooth, rough, and common periwinkles