Thursday, July 2, 2009

Marine Coastal Biology-Final Chapter July 2, 2009

Today again was wet and cool. Our final mission on the water was to study local ichthyology and make general observation. It did rain, heavy at times, for most of the near three hours on the river where the water remained calm. No sea sickness today_Yea! We did use sea worms and clams as bait, caught lots of crabs. I snagged a small lobster (4-5inches) which hung on when I lost it before I got it into the boat. Our fearless Captain did catch a flounder that was a keeper, over 12 inches in length and we also spotted a harbor seal. I was much too wet to stay out on the boat so after drying off at a local coffee house we returned to work at the boat house.

The afternoon discussion was whales. There is generally two groups of whales, baleen and toothed. The baleen whales are filter feeders and the toothed whales are flesh eater, which have an adaptation called throat pleats on the lower jaw that expand to accommodate large catches of fish. The lower jaw may also in some species separate out from the skull to aid the pleats. The baleen is attached to the top jaw only and is itself made of keratin, similar to our finger nails. Water freely moves through and out of the baleen but plankton and sometimes small fish get trapped as food. Baleen is shorter in the front and longer toward the back. The size varies greatly from a foot or two in the humpbacks (front of mouth) to 50 feet (rear of mouth) in the Alaskan Bowhead. The size of the baleen by species is dependent on the abundance of nutrients in the water . If a species naturally feeds in a nutrient rich area they will likely have smaller baleen and visa versa for a species feeding in a nutrient poor area, lower concentration of nutrients would require greater surface area of baleen. Further the hardness and design of the baleen can also vary, if a whale feeds where there may be schooling fish, the baleen would be thicker and more compacted to endure the impact of the fish on the baleen when the whale is traveling some 20 knots. Wright whales move slowly, perhaps 5 knots, and because they have blubber up to a foot thick they are a desired by hunters. Slow moving makes them easier to catch and when they die, they float.

The blue whale is the largest species measuring between 90 to 100 feet and weigh up to 110 tons. Their lungs are size of a compact car and have a blow hole that a human child could fit in it. The blow hole is it's nostril, some species have two, and can blow water 30 feet in the air. The blow fills with water as it dives but the blow closes before water get to the lungs. Some species can say underwater, holding their breath, for up to an hour. All whales have two bow hole openings in the skull merging into one blow or staying separate with two blows.

The skull is often broad , especially for toothed whale, across horizontally and is a bit concave vertically to help capture returning echos from it's own sound. This give the whale forward information. Baleen whale are more likely to have a bony rise or hump to the front portion of the skull for support of the baleen. Whales have no vocal cords but generate sound by controlling the speed of the air moving through their nostrils. Clicking sounds often heard on trained dolphins, related to the pilot whale, is the clapping of their jaws. All whale have a tongue.

Finback whales have large nostrils with modeled skin, white jaw on the right side, gray on the left jaw, and have pigmentation swirling on it's skull that is unique to a individual whale, similar to the uniqueness of a finger print. These whales will typically have a single calf that is 20 feet and weight up to 10 tons that will drink 40 to 70 gallons of milk per day. The mother would unlikely be able to support a second calf. Whales will stay in their preferred feeding grounds during gestation (about 12 months) and will migrate south to have the calf but will have little to eat until it returns northward for feeding. Typically the whales will lose 30% of there body mass during this period.

Sei whales are small and are found in the northeast waters of Canada. They feed on copepods and small fish of the region. The Minky whale (22ft) has a shape dorsal fin with white patches on it's fins which can act as an identifier. The Wright whales in a toothed whale but do have no throat pleats as expected but have an adaptation called calosites which are hard layers of skin around the face, eyes and portions of the body. It may act as a feature for the attraction of a mate as in the size of the horns on a ram.

Humpback whales have 15 foot wide white flippers. They are considered to be one of the most acrobatics whales. Their general shape, broad, makes them more buoyant requiring a vertical and energetic dive. These whale are a threaten species with only about 350 remain in the north Atlantic. They are frequent injured or kills by large ship when they swim in commerical sea lanes. Humpbacks have whiskers , last remaining hairs of this mammal, which are believed to
to be used for sensory. They also have unique social behaviors such as male circling a female for her select of a worth mate. The details of this behavior are some what disturbing which among may things involves feces to impress her. Humpbacks will collectively create a bubble cloud which use bubbles to trap and force schooling fish to the surface and the whale swims up from the center eating many fish. They also are know for making what is called a bubble net which is a circular tube of bubbles, again used to trap schooling fish.

As a final statement I would to thank our captain and crew for a wild ride and a great learning experience. I'd do it again.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Marine Coastal Biology Day 3 July 1, 2009


Who would believe that on July 1st the temperature would barely reached 62 degrees on land. Today like most of this past June was overcast, cool, heavy fog with a moderate northeasterly wind. Not to mention that the water was very choppy with swells at one point reaching 6 feet. Needless to say I endured but I was on the edge with my sea sickness for most of the 3 hour expedition. I really shouldn't blame Captain Rob but somebody has to be the fall guy.

Our primary mission was to haul a number of lobster traps, plankton net and trawl the sand bed for marine specimens. We worked a mile or so off the coast of New Hampshire. I also got to use a secchi disk which is a simple devise with a half black- half white weighted disc attached to a cord for visible depths, which is an indicator of plankton concentration. Our measure was 15 feet. It can also be used vertically as we measure today or horizontally in tow. The plankton did yield an abundance of life which could be viewed on board with simple magnification or contained for extensive viewing back at laboratory.

Hauling lobster traps is definitely a unique experience. Also of us hauled, three lobsters in total, with my trap having the only keeper. The lobster trap itself has a single opening at the end of it's length side that leads to the "kitchen" which connects to a "parlor", all of which is defined by the internal netting. The theory is as the lobster enters the kitchen and proceeds to the parlor where the food is the lobster can not back out, thus trapped. It turns out that Dr. Wilson of the University of New Hampshire recently mounted cameras on traps which recorded some lobster actually backing out. In order for a lobster to be legally caught the measured distance between the eye socket on the rostrum to end of the carapace must exceed 3 1/2 inches; it takes 7 years to reach this size.. Also lobster are left and right handed. The two large claws, one of which is the crusher claw and the other is the cutter claw. The side of the crusher claw determines the it's handedness. The first set of swimmerets determines the lobsters sex, if the first swimmeret is hard it's a male and if it's soft it's female. The shell is made of chite with colors that varies from yellow, to rust,to even blue. When lobsters are cooked it's the denaturing the proteins of the shell that creates the red color. Lobsters do molt on average of once every seven years, with longer stretches as they age.

We did a 60 foot and a 20 foot trawl for approximately 20 minutes each. The net is called an Otter Net. The netting uses a number of variations in "net mesh" which depends on what one specifically is trying to catch. The otter net has "doors" which are small weighted panels on the ends that keep the net open horizontally, lead weighted net line along the bottom opening and floats along the top net line. This keeps the net open but the net does taper lead back for several feet to a knot. Anything bigger than the mesh was trapped. We collected a number of flounder, sand dollars, couple of urchins, hermit crab, very small lobster, rock crabs and seaweeds. An interest notation on crabs is that on their bottom side the section between their legs is used for sexing. If the distance is long and narrow it's male or if it's short and wide it's a female.
Back in the boat house we able to view and study a number of marine specimens. One specimen was 5 pound lobster that was defleshed by sand flea in less than forty eight hours, found off the coast of Plum Island. In terms of aging bivales the obvious ring can be use for aging with each being one year. The mantle secretes a more shell as the mantle gets larger. One can also age fish by counting ring on the scales.

Barnacles, an arthropod that may reach the size of a coffee cup, is free swimming for two weeks (macroscopically) during this period the barnacle goes through development with its head getting heaver eventually settles on a rocky surface head down. Visualize a headstand, the antennae secrete a glue, anchoring the barnacle to rock which secreted its harden shell around it. When the barnacle open for feeding it'd the legs that are thrashing out with it's head glues to the rock. The barnacles do release chemicals that do attract larvae which is significant in aiding the formation a colony. Mating requires a neighbor since barnacles are hermaphroditic and must cross fertilize, the male reaches out to the female.
A couple points of trivia, scallops will swim by flapping their shells, the smaller size of north atlantic species is the direct result of seasonal variations in temperature , nutrient flow and sunlight. Flounders as juvenal's have eyes on each side of their body but migrate to a "top" side, most other fish-like feature remain as a typical fish. Finally Rob cheats when he fishes by using sonar to find the poor "soles".

Marine life identified:
Ulva-Sea Lettuce
Iris Moss
Fucus with epiphyte
Fucus withTubeweed (Polysphoeia lanosa)
Ascaphylum-simular too fucus but not as broad
Agarum-shotgun kelp
Lunanaria digitalis-finger like kelp
Bryozoans-as found on snail shell of hermit crab